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Breathe Freer...

The simple unconscious act of breathing keeps us all alive. The breath is always present with us, and yet many of us rarely connect with it. A Breathwork session will change that, guiding you in simple techniques, supporting you in discovering your breath and facilitating you through a deep process for your inner and outer journey.

Breathwork promotes self-awareness, emotional release, and a sense of presence. It allows for the release of physical and emotional tension, with people experiencing a range of sensations and emotions, ultimately tapping into the body’s innate ability to release stored trauma, reduce stress, and foster a sense of peace.

It is an active meditation tool that uses breath to release tension from the body and nervous system, and can help ground you back into the body, turn down the frantic mind and thoughts, and reconnect to your Self.

My name is Matt, and I am a Breathwork Facilitator available to guide you in your breathing journey.

My breathwork sessions use a continuous and intentional breathing pattern, that allows the body’s natural wisdom to guide the process and promote holistic well-being.

You can book a one to one breathwork session to be guided and facilitated in your own experience, either online or in person. Or join my group sessions to explore how this simple practice can take you to new depths of understanding and presence.


Breathwork is a powerful healing modality and although usually a deeply relaxing and enjoyable process, it can result in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also sometimes intense physical and emotional release.

Sessions can cause tingling, dizziness, trembling, shaking or other physical sensations, emotional experiences and experience of energy moving through your body.

As a precaution some health conditions are contraindicated for anyone thinking of practicing the Conscious Connected Breath and it is crucial that you inform me before a session. In most cases you can still join but I will guide you accordingly.

My sessions will use a continuous and intentional breathing pattern, that allows the body’s natural wisdom to guide the process and promote holistic well-being. This usually involves Conscious Connected Breathing (CCB), which is a breathing technique where the breather intentionally connects the inhale with the exhale without any pauses. It allows deep awareness of self and for our connection with self, others and nature to develop, providing the groundwork for profound personal development.

We can talk through everything in a discovery call and I’ll provide details in the booking confirmation email – but in short you just need to bring yourself. For online sessions you will need a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. You can either be lying down or sitting as long as you can be comfortable and relax. Have extra blankets available, some water and a notebook or journal.

Book a free 20 minute call to explore if breathwork is the right process for you.

Online one to one sessions are bookable for 60 to 90 minutes.

Group sessions are run on-line and in-person – find out about the latest dates.

Enquire about in-person one to one sessions and retreats in Herefordshire.

What clients say:

Having Breathwork sessions with Matt over the past year has supported me to connect with and trust my body more. Matt’s clear explanation and gentle guidance throughout creates a sense of safety which helped me to be curious and lean into the experience. He would respond with sensitivity and care when different feelings emerged, and encouraged me to tune in to what my body needed afterwards. I’m deeply grateful for Matt’s facilitation, the experiences have been hugely affirming and have helped to embody a lot of the inner work which for me has tended to be more head-based.

Matt provides calm and supportive guidance which really helps me to stay focused and get the most from my breathwork.

Matt’s wonderfully calm, reassuring presence guided me through an exhilarating breathwork session today. I will be back for more…

Breathwork was completely new to me. Matt created a space online which felt safe and supportive and led a group through the process with skill and sensitivity. I hugely valued the sense of awareness and peace that breathwork gave me.

Matt has a really reassuring and calm manner that enabled me to wholly embrace this new idea in a safe way.

I enjoyed Matt’s style as teacher and facilitator. I enjoyed feeling safe and trusting the process because I trusted Matt. I left the session with a fresh appreciation for how amazing my body is, a renewed wonder at the process of breath itself, and the beginning of an understanding of how my breath can open new spaces in my body, mind and emotional life. Breathwork feels like a game changer!

Matt has the confidence and experience to immediately inspire trust in his gentle instructions allowing me to let go and follow his guidance through the process.

There was nothing weird or mysterious about this breathing, it was just learning to use what I already have, and Matt made that so easy. He is easy to understand and made me realise it’s listening to my own body and breath. Matt has a calm aura , is very encouraging and peaceful. I felt enabled to have the freedom to be myself. Thank you.

Matt was an amazing guide to help us relax and notice things that I never would have before. The breathwork and other activities we did really made you appreciate where we were and how we were feeling without realising it.

Matt led an introduction to breathwork session for us. It was well structured and felt safe, gentle and encouraging.

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