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Online Group Breathwork Sessions
Book Online Group Sessions

Join my online breathwork group sessions. An opportunity to support and resource yourself with a breathwork session in community, whether you are a breathwork regular or just starting on your breathwork journey.

Upcoming dates – Online (4th Thursday of month 7.30pm-9pm) 26 September, 24 October, 28 November

Please book online sessions using the calendar below, selecting as many of the dates as you can make.

In each group session you will be guided in breathwork, sometimes exploring a specific theme, with and without music. The sessions provide an opportunity to bring whatever is happening for you and get support through breathing. In the session I will briefly introduce breathwork, so no previous experience is necessary and I will then guide you in a ‘breathe’. If you’re new to breathwork you might like to do one of my shorter taster sessions before hand.

Cost: Single group session suggested fee of £10 – I don’t want cost to be a barrier though so you can self select what you pay £5/£10/£15/£20, and if you’d like to try a first session for free that is fine. Payment details will be included in the booking confirmation email.

You will need a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted, ideally with somewhere you can comfortably lie or sit down. Ensure you can make your self comfortable, so you may want to bring a blanket, cushion and mat to lie on.

Online sessions are on Zoom, so you will need a device to connect with and ideally which can be placed so I can see you during the session.

Earphones can be helpful.

To book you will need to agree to the Medical Waiver and Confidentiality.

What clients say:

Matt provides calm and supportive guidance which really helps me to stay focused and get the most from my breathwork.

Matt’s wonderfully calm, reassuring presence guided me through an exhilarating breathwork session today. I will be back for more…

Breathwork was completely new to me. Matt created a space online which felt safe and supportive and led a group through the process with skill and sensitivity. I hugely valued the sense of awareness and peace that breathwork gave me.


Matt has a really reassuring and calm manner that enabled me to wholly embrace this new idea in a safe way.


I enjoyed Matt’s style as teacher and facilitator. I enjoyed feeling safe and trusting the process because I trusted Matt. I left the session with a fresh appreciation for how amazing my body is, a renewed wonder at the process of breath itself, and the beginning of an understanding of how my breath can open new spaces in my body, mind and emotional life. Breathwork feels like a game changer!


Matt has the confidence and experience to immediately inspire trust in his gentle instructions allowing me to let go and follow his guidance through the process.


There was nothing weird or mysterious about this breathing, it was just learning to use what I already have, and Matt made that so easy. He is easy to understand and made me realise it’s listening to my own body and breath. Matt has a calm aura , is very encouraging and peaceful. I felt enabled to have the freedom to be myself. Thank you.


Matt was an amazing guide to help us relax and notice things that I never would have before. The breathwork and other activities we did really made you appreciate where we were and how we were feeling without realising it.

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